The Sims 4 Konflikt Modov
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Please make sure you have deleted your OLD version of this mod, titled moxiemason_nomosaic_06092014.package. The new mod relies on an updated DATA resource that may conflict with the old version. This mod shouldn't ever need to be updated, unless EA completely move or recode the censoring.
If you are having issues, please make sure that you unRAR the file and follow the installation instructions carefully. Well, let me just eat my own words, huh! EA updated the game to add Toddler's to the game! And then my mod went all pooey. BUT I have updated the mod for you all and it now supports toddlers! This mod removes the mosaic / censor grid that appears over your Sim when they; • Shower • Use the toilet • Breastfeed • Streak • Potty Train • Diaper Change It works for all ages - INCLUDING TODDLERS!
What this mod does! This mod is a simple edit of the DATA resource 0x545AC67A 0x00D6FA33 0xDEAD4915C9C6C0D8 file in the ClientDeltaBuild0.package. It should not conflict with anything, as the censor file is a standalone file within the package. The original mod, prior to toddlers, was a simple edit of the same DATA resource as above but in the ClientFullBuild0.package. What this mod DOESN'T do!
This mod does not allow you to make your sims naked anywhere other than they normally would be. If you want your sims to be nudists, you will have to download nude clothes. This mod does not affect any sim behaviours. If your sim is showering/swimming in clothes, it may have something to do with their traits/other mods.
Software administrasi sekolah full crack archi download. At this point in time, it is not possible to have the censor appear for only certain events (The blur for showering and the blur for toilets is exactly the same. Disable one disables them all. There is nothing I can do about this.
D: ) INSTALLATION Simply unrar it into your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder and you're done! I would recommend 7-zip to unzip/unrar your packages! If you find any glitches or odd-ness occur in your game, please let me know! THIS MOD IS BROKEN AND DOESN'T WORK! UPDATE PLZ I have all of the EP's, most of the GP's and a couple of SP's installed and the mod still works perfectly fine for me. If you are having problems with the mod, please follow the 3 steps below; 1. Remove all of your mods and see if the problem still occurs.
If yes, then there is a problem with your installation (go to number 3). If no, then move on to number 2.
Check your installed mods to see if they are conflicting. You can do this by removing your mods and reintroducing them one by one and seeing which mod is broken/conflicting AND/OR you can use a mod conflict detector like DmitryMalfatto's here If it your game/the mod is still not working, move on to number 3. Verify your game files. Your game itself might be corrupted or broken. You can verify your game files in Origin by right clicking on The Sims 4 and clicking repair. This mod only edits 1 single package within the entire game, and that package has 1 file in it. That file is the censor blur for humanoid sims.