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PERSONA GRATA Golitsyn V. Sources of interecolaw: a view of International Tribunal for the Law of the SeaJudge from Hamburg EURASIAN INTEGRATION Farkhutdinov I. China and Russia: through mutual investments to national prosperity (experience of national legal regulation for Eurasian integration) Azanov B. Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: a comprehensive legal analysis (Section I.
General provisions. Basic principles, objectives, powers and law of the union) Hryshkevich O. International treaties of the Eurasian integration: operation in time Sokolskaya L.
Revisiting the question of the Eurasian legal culture LAW OF THE CIS COUNTRIES Saliev I. R., Salieva R. N., Fatkhudinov Z. Energy saving and energy efficiency: civil-legal aspect of regulation in Russia and in the CIS Gabdrakhmanov F.
May a record of conviction in the Commonwealth of Independent States be taken into account in the Russian Federation? Legal regime of state registration and issues of authorized capital of business entity in Tajikistan Rakishev K. Science of intellectual propertylaw in Kazakhstan Hamidova M. The general principles of criminal law under the Statute of the International Criminal Court in the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan INTERNATIONAL LAW Abashidze A. Kh., Solntsev A. M., Koneva A.
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Ye., Gugunskiy D. Foreign experience of the convention’s of 19 October 1996 On jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition, enforcement and co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and measures for the protection of children application Konyukhova A.
Actual problems of the 1963 Tokyo convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft jurisdictional provisions perfection Yumaguzin R. Historical and legal analysis of the participation of the constituent units of federal states in international relations INTERECOLAW Abanina E. N., Danel’yan A.
Interecolaw and «Eurasian law journal» INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW Bugaev Z. Problematic aspects of form of foreign transactions in Russia Novoselov M. Construction contract in private international law: general characteristic THEORY AND HISTORY OF STATE AND LAW Romanovskaya L.
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Freedom of conscience: the evolution of the institute Layter A. Preconditions for the formation and functioning of the law-governed state in Russia Petrov A. Conflict of priority of codes as a legal obstacle to exercising and protection of rights and legal interests Potapov M. Cara google book dengan idm download. The actuality of the research of the regional law Tretyakov A. The multifaceted phenomena in legal science: the first cause of integrative constructs concept's occurrence as a try to solve problem of unambiguousness via study of metaphysical sense of phenomena Filippova J. The role of the judiciary in formation of legal conscience Romanovskaya V. B., Krymov A.
The idea of autarchy in the theory of Eurasianism in the 20s — 30s of the 20th century Yevseev I. Regional peculiarities of cooperation of Ural zemstvos in penal impact on prisoners of the correctional system in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Amirhanov A. Tatishchev as the head of Ural state plants in 1720–1722 (the legal conflict) Ketsba B. Ioann Zlatoust's social and legal ideas CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Khurmatullina A. Right to labour in the system of constitutional values Gorylev A. I., Yashnov A.