Suzuki King Quad 700 Serial Number
Looking for Suzuki ATV VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Number Decoders? Once you find your ATV VIN number off the tag on your Suzuki ATV, you can go to all kinds of websites that have VIN Decoders available. The best ones are backed by the Suzuki ATV manufacturer, however there are plenty of aftermarket Suzuki ATV VIN Decoder websites on the web.
This topic will stay pinned and if you find any to add, please do it with a reply. The following Suzuki ATV VIN Decoder websites are available where you can just enter your VIN number and it will shows you some of your ATV model details: KBB.com CARFAX autoDNA VinAudit decodeTHIS VINCario NICB Theft Check. Gibbs Technologies Ltd, the world’s only High Speed Amphibian (HSA) technology specialist, today unveiled a prototype of the first commercially viable high-speed amphibian Quadbike/All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) - Quadski.
Quadski is the third demonstration of Gibbs’ HSA technology following the successes of the Aquada and the Humdinga. It is capable of travelling up to 50 mph (72 kph) on land and water and makes the transition at the flick of a switch. Commenting on the launch of the Quadski prototype, Alan Gibbs, the founder of UK based Gibbs Technologies Ltd. Said, “Quadski is both exciting and practical with a multitude of uses”.
Find your Suzuki motorcycle model by type and VIN Number. Position 4 till position 8 is the type of the Suzuki motorcycle, Suzuki ATV / Quad or Suzuki Scooter. If you search. AL42A, LT-A450X KINGQUAD 4x4, KINGQUAD 4x4, King Quad 450 Axi, K7, 2007. AP41A, LT-A700X KINGQUAD 4X4, KINGQUAD, K6, 2006. King Quad 700 For Sale (908)-601-9457 $4800 King Quad 700 is Like New 2006 Suzuki KingQuad 700 4x4.
“I know consumers will love the fun of driving a Quadski on land one minute and then head straight into the sea or river the next. But there is a very serious side to Quadski as well: emergency services and aid workers will be able to reach areas and people no two or four wheel drive vehicle could reach.” Gibbs Technologies •. Pretty good video on the history of Suzuki ATVs if you are interested in some ATV education. Starts off from when three wheelers were the norm. Suzuki, A company with about 100 years of manufacturing history is company built on bold innovation and the courage to push forward with new ideas. One of these new ideas was created in 1983, when Suzuki invented the first four wheeled ATV and introduced it to the world. At the time three-wheeled ATVs were the norm, and Suzuki’s four-wheeled ATV the LT-125 created an al-new vehicle category and literally changed the industry.
9 VIN (Vehicle Data Card) Established in 1954, American automobile manufacturers use a vehicle identification number, or VIN, to describe and identify motor vehicles. Beginning with the 1981 model year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the USA required that all over-the-road-vehicles sold must contain a 17-character VIN. This standard established a fixed VIN format. Often found on the steering head portion of the frame, the VIN encodes the vehicle's year, make, model, body and engine style and unique serial number. Each motorcycle Owner and Service Manual lists the location of the VIN and engine number.
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In the early nineties, Suzuki instituted a frame program where street model replacement frames would receive an identification label which used a portion of the original VIN number. So if you have a late model Suzuki street motorcycle, even if it has received a replacement frame, it will have a VIN number or identification label on the steering head portion of the frame. The VIN is a record of manufacture and can tell us in the first three digits the country of origin, the manufacturer and the vehicle type. For example: J (Japan) Y (Yamaha) and A (motorcycle). The next four or five digits denote the manufacturers model and series code for a particular machine i.e., SC282 (pre 1995 Honda Fireblade) or GM51A (Suzuki GS500E). Some manufacturers use an eighth digit to identify the model series or engine.
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The ninth digit is a check digit and allows the manufacturer or authorities to see if the VIN is genuine or not (it would be unwise to give examples). The tenth digit denotes the year of manufacture. A manufacturers assembly plant is identified by the eleventh number and the remaining digits are known as the sequential number. Useful, you might think, but unfortunately unlike most four-wheel vehicles, there is no legal requirement in most of the European countries (yet) for motorcycles to have a VIN, although it is used since 1977 as an International standard (ISO 3779). Here's an example, a GSX-R1100 made for North American market. WIM World Manufacturer Identifier Tells you the manufacturer and type of the vehicle J = Japan S = Suzuki 1 = motorcycle VDS Vehicle Descriptor Section See the following explanation on this page Check digit Allows the manufacturer or authorities to see if the VIN is genuine or not 0-9 or X Year Code Model year See the list in the beginning of this page.