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A “clearer, stronger message” to tax pros concerning the legal requirements around the security of customer information and additional education in data security are among the recommendations from the most recent of the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee. The committee also worried that IRS funding for info security may rank a far second behind spending on new tax laws.
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“In light of the resources that will be required for the IRS to implement the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, ETAAC is concerned that the funding requirements for the continued fight against [ID-theft refund fraud] and for enhanced cybersecurity could be overshadowed by the implementation of tax reform measures,” the report stated. The ETAAC provides a forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues, including the prevention of ID theft and refund fraud.
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Committee members represent industries including cybersecurity and information security, tax software development, tax prep, payroll and tax financial product processing. Other recommendations from this year’s report included integrating the payroll community more broadly into the Security Summit; increasing outreach to employers and businesses; and creating one unit within the IRS “with overall responsibility for setting security requirements for tax professionals.”.
Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on. As lawmakers and tax policy experts look to revitalize the IRS Oversight Board that’s lain dormant for years, one proposal on the table would give the board the power to award bonuses to IRS executives who meet or exceed performance goals. At a recent Senate Finance Committee hearing that fielded IRS reform ideas from the private sector, the National Association of Enrolled Agents proposed giving the newly rebranded IRS Management Board, pending a bill from Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio), the power to award taxpayer services. In an interview with Federal News Radio, Robert Kerr, the executive vice president of NAEA and a former investigator for the Senate Finance Committee, shed more light on how the bonuses would help the IRS meets its taxpayer services goals. “Some tried-and-true management theory will tell you that we need to set clear goals and we need to reward the achievement of those goals.
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