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Some new Switch online details come out, there’s a new Need for Speed, Phil splurges on some fighting games, CJ enjoys Friday the 13th some more, and Ethan plays Horizon Zero Dawn. Join us, won’t you? Links of interest: • • • • • • • • • • • • Check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 18 now available) - And take a trip over to to see some awesome retro game vids. Or check out Ethan's gaming blog at Own an iPhone/iPod touch?
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This was the day when I visited the Sargaalaya: Kerala Art and craft village in Vadakara in Kozhikode district in kerala. What you see above is a small space in the middle of the compound where water is held and act as a source of water for the entire compound.So, these eagles find it more helpful to save themselves from the hot sun during the summer. There was a very little scope for my camera to take pictures as the whole compound was prohibiting photography. This is the Verandah in the compound. Msts addon routes and trains msts indian. I could not take any of the photos of creativity in there, but I could take some of the landscapes and buildings.
Don't forget if you haven't already! Running time: 1:28:56.
Nov 21, 2018 - ALEXANDRIA, Minn. — Steven Powers, the last of three men charged in connection with the 2017 abduction of a 15-year-old Alexandria girl,.
• Walk-around inspection — Is the unit safe, mechanically? • Worksite assessment — Is it safe to operate on the work site? • Function test — Does the unit function safely? • Proper operation — Am I operating safely? • Proper shutdown — Is the unit in a safe place and shut down properly? Aerial-work platforms are typically used by people who are trained in the trades — iron workers, welders, masons, etc. The machine is a means to reach their work, and operating it is secondary to their trade.
That's why the industry — OSHA, ANSI, ISO, lift manufacturers, and others — is working to train operators. Aerial-work platforms (AWPs) are fairly simple, stable machines but because they raise people to heights, there is inherent risk in their operation. Mike Popovich, training director at JLG says his company's trainers start with an approach to teaching accident avoidance for all equipment operators that asks five important questions: Essentially, all operators' manuals explain how an operator should answer each of these questions for each make and model of machine. The intent of this story is not to repeat all of that detail, but to focus on some of the key safety issues common to AWPs. Worksite assessments are particularly important on changing construction sites because of the risk of contact with power lines or crushing obstacles, and because of the risk of tipping on unimproved surfaces.
Walk around the site to check ground conditions. You're looking for uncompacted fill, holes or ditches, cellars and basements. Make sure any floor or other structure you'll be driving over is strong enough to support the machine's weight (individual tire loads should be marked on the machine, just above each tire). Weather conditions play a role in AWP stability. Underfoot conditions that were safe when the site was dry in the morning could become dangerously unstable in the afternoon, after a rain. Don't use a lift in winds greater than 28 miles per hour.
Unless someone has an anemometer handy, this is an operator's judgment call. Aerial Work Platform Training Inc., the training subsidiary of an independent AWP-safety organization backed by most equipment manufacturers, recommends using the Beaufort Scale for estimating wind force. This scale describes winds in the 28-mph range as a strong breeze capable of putting large tree branches in motion.
The wind may whistle over power lines, and umbrella users have to be careful to stay in control of their shelter. In contrast, winds up to 24 mph will cause small trees in leaf sway and will whip up small whitecaps on ponds and lakes. Do not increase the surface area that wind can work on by carrying or attaching sheets of plywood or other materials to the platform. You don't want create a sail that will catch the wind and decrease machine stability.
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