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When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. The key is to keep improving—and to keep it free.
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We have only 150 staff but run one of the world’s top websites. We’re dedicated to reader privacy. We never accept ads.
But we still need to pay for servers and staff. The Internet Archive is a bargain, but we need your help. If you find our site useful, please chip in. —Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive.
Elettrotecnica Ed Elettronica Pdf To Jpg. $1,114,226 $1.5M Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations averaging about $41. If everyone chips in $5, we can keep this going for free.
Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 3-to-1. So your $5 donation becomes $20!
For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy.
We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff. If you find our site useful, please chip in. —Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive.
$1,114,226 $1.5M Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations averaging about $41.
If everyone chips in $5, we can keep this going for free. Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 3-to-1. So your $5 donation becomes $20! For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever.
When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy. We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff.