Dungeon Siege 2 Savegame Editor
II Dungeon Siege is an action oriented role playing game where you start your adventure as your kingdom is subject to strange creatures attacks usually living in distant countries. The goblins have been seen in several nearby farms and some have even attacked.
Dungeon siege 2 cheats, cheat codes & hints Cheat Codes While playing, press [ENTER] and type: Code: Result: +bushsux-oluaowr Teleport (*) +iraqsux-eszaryz Silver Ring +luvtana-aeviyaa Silver Ring, Weapon, Garment +krisrox-lzjlcoj Less Chunky +superchunky More Chunky +quwhba Instant Kill (*) +drlife God Mode (-) +movie Record Movie (-) +version Show Version (*) = Enter cheat again to deactivate. (-) = Enter [-] in front of code to deactivate. Keyboard yamaha style free download.
Note: Some cheats may become deactivated after cutscenes or the use of portals. Re-enter the cheat codes to reactivate. Play the game as 24 different monsters.
The monsters come equipped with their weapon and spells. Monsters cannot wear armor, so a special level-up item is included as a unique purple spellbook. You will recieve this spellbook when you leave the prison for the first time. Do not lose it.
In order for the monsters to retain their items and spells in the Dryad prison, the item strip remover mod was created. Some of the monsters include: Carverbat, Feaster, Hak'u Slayer, Impus, Ketril Kragen, Maguar, Undead Azunite Mage, Vasp, Vulk, Zombie Legionaire Melee and more.
What you need to know before starting to edit characters: 1. You need a single or multiplayer character save 2. It will help to have some cash on the character. You need to buy equipment and fill each gear slot and inventory slot, as well as spell slots in spellbook (though you can buy potions instead of rings etc, as long as the items take up as much space). You will edit this equipment in skritpad. The maximum amount of gold value a item can have is 9999999 and the maximum amount you can carry is 9999999.
After buying enough potions and other items, you have to exit the game and get the following programs: - TankViewer - TankCreator - Skritpad - (Optional) Deathboost Mod (dbpot2003.dsres) Fresh download links for the programs: REMOVED by author. See comments. These are old tools used to edit dungeon siege files. The files are originally from ARA-FF clan site (dbmod) and the old GOGsiege tutorial site. Please make sure when downloading them that you do it from their official site or whereever else it's safe to download from. If in doubt, scan the programs with your antivirus programs. I do not encourage you to download any programs to follow this guide.
Deathboost Mod: This mod allows you to boost your stats in great amounts. It allows you to kill yourself and boost your stats every time you press H to drink potion while you're dead. In order to make the potion, you need to have the mod in your game directory, have a few small health potions (or buy them) and combine two small health potions to make a deathboost potion. After making the potion, you right click it and start pressing H. It is advised that you don't press H many times, as this will cause a lot of lag if you have many potions with prefixes and suffixes in your inventory (more about these later).
For every prefix and suffix you have that gives bonus stats upon drinking the potions normally, you get the stats with each H press. You can have up to 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes, which means 4 bonuses per potion. So for example if you have 100 potions with 4 ofthelion-suffixes, you get 400 x 512 health per boost (thats 204800 health). Traditionally, if you want to duel with another deathbooster, you ask if they have 2x or 4x prefix/suffix and then if you both have the same amount per potion, decide how many times you should boost. And then you fight! Players would often only use about 200 total bonuses in their builds, stating that any more would be excess and cause too much lag.
Editing the experience, level and item values in order to buy more items 1. Make a empty folder anywhere, probably to your downloads folder. Make another folder inside and call it 'yourEditedCharacterName'.