Dragon Ball Xenoverse Patch V107 Nosteam
Improved load times. Lag when playing online and desynchronization rate improved. Default settings when searching for quickmatch changed. Character balance changes: Giant Namekians: -Giant form weak and strong normal attack damage adjusted. -Giant form smash (weak) damage adjusted and adjusted time where opponent can perform a vanish when hit. -Giant form smash (strong) damage increased.
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-Increased STAMINA reduction when hit while transformed. -Throws/grabs interrupt various attacks and will prevent from activation.* Majin (male): -When low on STAMINA, damage received is decreased slightly. -When high on STAMINA, damage received is increased slightly. Various balance changes. SOURCE: *This is a confusing sentence but it implies throws and grabs will interrupt various attacks now, but its unclear from the namekians or against them. PSA: There has been no OFFICIAL news whatsoever from BNGJ regarding not needing to restart the story on second characters. Anything you hear that is not an official notice is RUMOR.