Crack Meth
Meth and Crack Methamphetamine hydrochloride is known under a number of street names, including crystal meth and crank. It is usually found in a powdered form, which is ingested, snorted or injected. Re: Comparing coke, crack, and meth to how addictive each is Interaction in the brain differences: Meth, once it enters the blood stream, crosses thru the blood-brain barrier, stimulates the dopamine receptors to pour out dopamine and also blocks the recycle process to recover the dopamine.
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In Response to: Crack vs. Meth In Calgary a hit of crack is 8 bucks. It lasts about 5 minutes and some signs are (from what Ive seen in my ex) you become withdawn and dont want people around. You feel hot and sweaty. You become very quiet and paranoid and cant focus on one thing. The second your done your hit you start looking for ways to get more.
I would come home and when I thought he was smoking it in the house I would find porn everywhere and lube. He would keep his eyes open so wide (like that hamster on bedtime stories) and he was very quiet. He couldnt be in the same room as anyone and the smell. He smelled discusting.
Like burnt plastic, urine, and chemicals. His hygene would suck and he didnt eat. I dont know about meth but Im sure Will is right, Will knows everything. What a smart cookie that one is.
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